SISTE rest mørketid og magien av de første solstrålene som finner veien inn vinduet – om noe så må dette være tida for å møtes og feire. Vi inviterer til pubkveld lørdag 4/2-23, 19.00 – 01.00, for de over 18 år. Og kafe søndag 5/2-23, 11.00 – 15.00, for absolutt alle. Det blir lett servering med muligheter for å få seg litt kveldsmat på puben og lønsj på kaféen, litt kake og vafler rører vi også sammen. Vi gleder oss til å sees!
THE LAST remaining darkness of the polar night and the magic of the returning sun: if any time, this must be the time to meet and celebrate. We invite you to a pub on Saturday 4/2-23, 19.00 – 01.00 for those over 18, and a cafe on Sunday 5/2 – 23, 11.00 – 15.00 for absolutely everyone. There will be light serving with opportunities to have some evening food at the pub, and lunch at the café. We will also make some cake and waffles. Looking forward to see you!

We will hold a pub night to farewell the polar night (when the sun remains below the horizon for several months here in the Arctic).
Saturday 4th of February 2023, from 7pm onwards, subject to alcohol permits being granted.
That will be followed on Sunday 5th February 2023 by a kafé between 11 and 1500, serving snacks and drinks.
All welcome!